
Waves Display

Waves Display
Understanding the "Waves" display page
Like the Visibility display, the Waves displays a graphical overview of all Wave sensors within the system/cluster.
The graphs present the most recent 12 hours of wave data, with annotation below the plots giving a snapshot of the current conditions (wave height, wave period and direction) infer whether conditions are improving or deteriorating.
In the footer at the base of the screen there are two timer controls.
The first displays the system time as stored by the server. This will be represented in either UTC or a local time zone depending on the system configuration.
The second is a count down timer which indicates the number of seconds until the display window us refreshed. When the counter expires the Port-Log database will provide the latest set of sensor records to the web display. Depending on the sample frequency of the sensors, the latest data record may not change with every refresh of the web display.

Menu Options

1. Menu Options
User can move between different sections of the system. Here, "Waves" has been selected.


2. Stations
For Waves, time series and directional plots of all available stations are displayed.

Recent Timeseries

3. Recent Timeseries
All available sites with wave parameter sensors will be displayed as individual sub-plots.
A time-series of recent (12 hours previous) wave height data. The units here are meters.
Hovering the mouse over the lines or clicking on the lines will display the actual time and values of the observed data.

Latest Site Parameter Values

4. Latest Site Parameter Values
A snapshot view of the latest values for various wave paramaters.
Arrows indicate whether values are increasing or decreasing, and further infomation on value colours can be found in the Latest Display section.

Recent Wave Direction Rose Plot

5. Recent Wave Direction Rose Plot
A directional plot displaying the wave directions and heights recorded during the previous 12 hours.

System Time

6. System Time
A timer indicating the system time (time zone dependent on client specifications), with sunset time given as an indication of remaining light for the day.

Refresh Timer

7. Refresh Timer
A timer to indicate when the browser will refresh (usually every 10 seconds). If there is new data to display, this will replace values already in place upon the web page.
Made with help of Dr.Explain